Himalaya Enfield Challenge 2008
Day : -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9- -10- -11- -12- -13- -14- -15- -16- -17- -18- -19- -20-
Date: 080910

first tea break of the day. We have had another bumpy roads with a lot of dust.
Other stuff have happened as well, the claxon (horn) of Rene's bike broke, and the clutch of the bike of Danielle is being replaced.

Next stop. We need to drink a lot, and we are still on the bumpy road.
I have had flat front tyre, but the total repair time was only 15 minutes. Pretty fast if you ask me...

Another stop. All is wel, and we are almost on the top of 4700 meters.
We feel all well, and drink a lot. There is still a lot of dust on the ways but we also see more more good asfalt roads. The tempature is dropping, and it has become chilly, despite the warm sun.

After the descent we arrived at the camp site in a valley.
There we had some lunch and rested. Danielle took a nice nap, to get her energy back.
The air is thin, and i can feel that very well. I need to move around in a calm manner en concentrate on my breathing. The vally is very beautifull with high straight walls and their brown color. It looks like a dessert.

We arrived at the fixed camp. The camp consists of 1 big diner tent and about
20 smaller tents for two persons. These tents have a toilet and a sink. Very luxery!
The wind is very chil and strong, and there is here a very nice calm and pease arround you.
Being in the sun is very nice, but the chance for burns is big, and i can feel that my nose
is getting burned already.
It has been tolded that it would freeze in the night, which is a great test for the sleepingbag.

Made a strawl by the river, which is deep in the valley.
In the mean time the sun was setting behind the mountain. Waling back to the
camp, i kept walking up towards the other montain. There i met Geert who was also
enjoying the view from that height. The climb was short, but very tiring.
This altitude does have impact on you.

After the sun was set behind the mountain the tempature dropped rapidly and we
walked back to the camp. There i layed down for a short time, which was wonderfull.

Tempature is still dropping. Danielle dressed herself double thick and sits now with
a had and has a blanket covering here legs, to keep herself warm.
Wim has become sick in his stomac, and took a salt sollutions. It still doesn help.
Eddie is still in his bed, he doesn feel good as well.
Unfortnually, nobody wanted to play cards, except Danny. Everyone else was just to tiered.

We had soup, nice and hot. Outside it's arround freezing point.
Eddie still has a headeache, and Wim is going a bit better.

toilet in the tent View of the camp
On the side, a view on the mountains

Repair a flat tyre

The camp between the mountains

Warm dressed during dinner.

What we thought of it => __"Absolutly worth to experience"__
© 2008 Mike Beijerbacht