Himalaya Enfield Challenge 2008
Day : -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9- -10- -11- -12- -13- -14- -15- -16- -17- -18- -19- -20-
Date: 080902

Arrival at Schiphol (Amsterdam-NL)

Departure of Austrian Arrows, a Fokker A100 ( which was late )
My tankbag had to put below the seat, because it was to big to place above in the cabinet. The seats were very very very tight.

At airport Vienna we waited for the next flight to New Delhi. Took 1 coffee at € 3,60 and one tea at € 3,-. Some prices huh.. :-(
Checked in, and then the waiting started.....

We got on board, finally, we are all at row 23 an 1 on row 24

Lift off

Received our lunch and drinks. After that only radio, tv and sleep. 32 video channels discovered, off which most of them with the same movie, but in anoter spoken language.

Tried to sleep for some hours, but that was not easy. However, i did see the new movie of Indian Jones.
Waiting hall at Schiphol

Flying over the green houses in NL

Waiting for the next flight at Vienna
What we thought of it => __"Everyday is a new adventure"__
© 2008 Mike Beijerbacht