The last day on the bike. We are going with the four of us (Danielle, Danny, Geert and myself ) to visit another monastry. The others are going to relax in Leh.
Today is also the birthday of Danny, and he turned 38. Just a day after we visited the highest roadable pass. That was a bit pitty.
We decorated his chair with ballons and sung to him. Even the service attendence joined us.
We visited a school where Tibetan childeren (refuges) were helped and received an education.
They receive an education until their 10th grade, and have a roof above their heads. For about 1400 ruppies per month you can support 1 child. That is about € 200,- per year.
We ride along the Indus river to Like / Alchi.
We arrived at the monistry, now we have to wait for a guide. Along the road, we didn't meet anyone, no car, no people, nothing. Sometimes i really had the feeling of being "alone" on the road.
We have had lunch. We need to wait another hour before we monestry opens. Even the people here are having lunch.
Danny and Danielle are in the meantime shopping for the homefront.
We are all back in the dining room celebrating the birthday of Danny. Danielle has for this opportunity made het new suite here in town.
On the way back we drove very fast. At one certain point, where they were working at the road, we had to stop and were not allowed to drive any further.
They were blowing up two rocks by the road workers, which was pretty impressive to see.
The air pressure of the blast was felt very well, and the road was covered with the debree of the blast. Very impressive indeed.
When we arrived at te hotel, there was a lot of commotion.
A VIP monk came to visit and held its audience for the local population and important people.
It was quite a happening with a lot of show. The monk appeared to be the 22 year old H.H. 17th Gwylang Karmapa.
I took a lot of pictures of him on request of Amit and send them to him.
The complete team came by to have a drink together. Stories were told and addresses exchanged. All was again very cozy.
Arround 8 Eddie and Wim picked up the t-shirts which were custom made, as a goodbye souvenir for ourselfs.
Danny received his birthday cake, and for all of us a nice beer or drink. The stories became a little bigger, but it stayed very cozy and fun to listen to.
The goodbye of the team was intense and sincere. Danielle even had a tear.
The next wakeup call is at 04:00 hours, to leave at 05:00 to the airport of Leh.
Went to bed.